MMI offers several areas of specialty service. Our experienced engineers approach these services with the same care and diligence given to larger structural and civil work scopes.
MMI has provided design services for several industrial buildings. MMI has also designed temporary foundations, bridges and roadways for the transportation and erection of the large components in the facilities.
MMI has been employed to determine the cause of failure and to inspect and design repairs for poorly performing structures numerous times in the past.
Failure and poor structural performance may be a result of bad design, improper construction, overloading of the structure, deterioration due to water or other environmental concerns, and/or termite type damage. We are often able to find the original structural drawings for a building in our vast library of plans which allows us to quickly determine the cause of a problem. If not, we have the expertise to determine what the existing structure is by performing a field survey, and to provide cost effective repair details in a timely manner.
MMI has provided the design of temporary retaining structures (TRS) for multiple contracting groups for use during construction such as the expansion and storm hardening of the lakefront pump stations in Jefferson Parish, and the expansion and upgrading of the drainage canals in Jefferson and Plaquemines Parishes. The temporary retaining structures have been designed for many varying conditions, such as installation in Lake Pontchartrain, coastal wetlands, and inside existing industrial facilities. Some of the designs have also incorporated temporary bridges and work platforms, while others have had to include large operable gate valves that would allow for the use of the canal or pump structures in the event of large rain storms during construction.
MMI has been the engineer of record for several companies that produce prefabricated, ready to install metal buildings and precast concrete structures. These buildings are used in the telecommunication, power, industrial and institutional markets. The buildings are fully assembled in the plant and shipped to the site for installation on foundations. They are used across the continental USA and other countries.